Kamis, 14 April 2011

Pendidikan Teknologi Dasar

Technology education is a study of technology, which provides an opportunity for students to learn about the processes and knowledge related to technology. As a study, it covers the human ability to shape and change the physical world to meet needs, by manipulating materials and tools with techniques. As education, the goal is to teach the knowledge and techniques to develop technological literacy which is accomplished by bringing laboratory activities to students. Technology education is an innovative approach to technology education in Australia, which differs in that it is accomplished by situating students in the context of the need. The term "technology education" is frequently shortened to "tech ed".

Objectives of Technology Education

Technology education allows learners to explore a variety of activities related to many areas where science, technology, engineering, and math intersect with society. Learners can develop problem solving strategies and work habits that will be useful in almost any career and or occupation. Learners should develop a greater appreciation for the work of craft workers and the skills required of that work.

Within the scope of this educational program is the effort to develop “soft skills” within the learner, as well as an opportunity for the learner to see how systems work together and the chance to put much of the academic class instruction to work in an applied way.

Many of the skils that are to be taught in technology education classes are identified in the 1991 SCANS Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills Report. Many of these soft skills may be better developed in a lab, problem solving setting than in a typical academic classroom in any sort of better environment.



Kepala Pusat : Dr. Didi Teguh Chandra, M.S.
Sekretaris : Dr. Wahyu Surakusumah, M.Si.

Koordinator Bidang :
1. Penelitian dan Pengembangan : Drs. Wiji, M.Si.
2. Kerjasama dan Kemitraan : Dr. Wawan Setiawan, M.Kom.
3. Forum Ilmiah dan Akademik : Drs. Suhendra, M.Ed.
4. Pendidikan dan Pelatihan : Dr. Parsaoran Siahaan, M.Pd.

Tenaga Ahli :
1. Dr. R. Asep Kadarohman, M.Si. (Kimia)
2. Dr. Agus Setiabudi, M.Si. (Kimia)
3. Topik Hidayat, S.Pd., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Bioteknologi)
4. Dr. rer. nat. Adi Rahmat, M.Si. (Bioteknologi)
5. Prof. Dr. Nuryani Rustaman, M.Pd. (Biologi)
6. Prof. Yaya Sukjaya Kusumah, M.Sc. (Matematika)
7. Prof. Dr. Anna Permanasari, M.Si. (Kimia)
8. Dr. Wawan Setiawan, M.Kom. (Image Processing)
9. Khusnul Novianingsih, M.Si. (Kimia)
10. Turmudi, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Matematika)
11. Aljupri, M.Sc. (Matematika)
12. Rini Solihat, M.Si. (Biologi)
13. Heli Siti, M.Si. (Kimia)
14. Jajang Kusnandar, MT. (Teknologi Informasi)
15. Diah Kusumawati, M.Si. (Biologi)
16. Dr. Munir, MIT. (Multimedia)
17. Arif Hidayah. M.Si. (Fisika)
18. Dr. Any Fitriani, M.Si. (Biologi)
19. Dr. Setiya utari, M.Si. (Fisika)
20. Ridwan efendi, M.Si. (Fisika)
21. Dr. Selly Feranie, M.Si. (Fisika)
22. Dr. Andi Suhandi, M.Si. (Fisika)
23. Dr. Dadi Rusdiana, M.Si. (Fisika)
24. Kardiawarman, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Fisika)

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