Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Pendidikan Nanoteknologi

Pendidikan Nanoteknologi

"Menyediakan tenaga dan waktu ekstra melebihi apa yang dilakukan rata-rata orang. Kadang menggunakan waktu libur dan waktu di luar jam kerja resmi untuk terus berkarya. Hasil yang lebih besar hanya dapat dicapai dengan meluangkan tenaga dan waktu lebih banyak."
~Dr.Eng. Mikrajuddin Abdullah, M.Si.~
(Ahli Fisika Nanoteknologi ITB)

Nanotechnology Educational Resources and Activities for K-12 Teachers

Nanotechnology in the Curriculum

So where does Nanotechnology fit in the curriculum? On one hand, it is not Physics, Biology, or Chemistry. On the other hand, it is all of them ! It is where engineering and science meet. Is nanotechnology a subject of its own, or is it just a way of thinking about other subjects?

More Info >

Guide to Nanotechnology Demonstrations

The NNIN has developed this guide to assist others in how to use some nanotechnology education materials from NNIN and other nano education programs as short demonstrations. These are not full scale lessons but short 5-10 minute demos suitable for use with groups of all ages.

Link to pdf document >

Research Experience for Teachers

NNIN does not have its own network-wide RET program. Five NNIN Sites do, however, have an RET program funded by the National Science Foudnation. Participants conduct cutting edge research and develop classroom materials related to nanotechnology.

More info>

Teacher Workshops in Nanotechnology

The NNIN offers and is further developing teacher workshops for middle and high school teachers. The duration varies by site but typically run from one to three days. Workshop content explores how to incorporate standards-based instructional units related to nanotechnology into the science classroom. Some sites offer nanofabrication workshops where teaches explore the fundamentals of nanofabrication processes. This section will provide information on how you can learn about workshops at the various sites

More Info >

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