Jumat, 16 September 2011

Nuklir Indonesia

Masyarakat Nuklir Indonesia

Indonesian Nuclear Society

The Indonesian Nuclear Society was launched in the mid-1960s,

(when first reactor in Indonesia launched [Triga Mark II at Bandung] a time of growing interest in employing peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology for bettering the lives of people in the Indonesian and around the world.

Diaktifkan kembali karena kebutuhannya untuk memenuhi tantangan sekarang dan di masa depan khususnya penyediaan energi dan pemanfaatan ilmu seta teknologi Nuklir untuk Perdamaian


Pendukung dan Pengembang Program IPTEK Nuklir untuk Perdamaian di Indonesia

18 Reaktor Nuklir Indonesia tahun 2040

Tersedianya sarana pendamping disetiap reaktor

1. Pusat Pendidikan dan Latihan

2. Pusat Inovasi, Penelitian dan Pengembangan


1. Wahana Edukasi masyarakat mengenai IPTEK Nuklir

2. Sarana penampung aspirasi masyarakat mengenai IPTEK Nuklir


1. Pertemuan Rutin Pertahun

2. Publikasi dan Edukasi Masyarakat


5 Tahun Pertama


5 Tahun Kedua


5 Tahun Ketiga


5 Tahun Keempat


5 Tahun Kelima


5 Tahun Keenam



In nuclear medicine procedures, elemental radionuclides are combined with other elements to form chemical compounds, or else combined with existingpharmaceutical compounds, to form radiopharmaceuticals. These radiopharmaceuticals, once administered to the patient, can localize to specific organs or cellular receptors. This property of radiopharmaceuticals allows nuclear medicine the ability to image the extent of a disease-process in the body, based on the cellular function and physiology, rather than relying on physical changes in the tissue anatomy. In some diseases nuclear medicine studies can identify medical problems at an earlier stage than other diagnostic tests.

Treatment of diseased tissue, based on metabolism or uptake or binding of a particular ligand, may also be accomplished, similar to other areas of pharmacology. However, the treatment effects of radiopharmaceuticals rely on the tissue-destructive power of short-range ionizing radiation.

In the future, nuclear medicine may provide added impetus to the field known as molecular medicine. As our understanding of biological processes in the cells of living organism expands, specific probes can be developed to allow visualization, characterization, and quantification of biologic processes at the cellular and subcellular levels.[1] Nuclear medicine is an ideal specialty to adapt to the new discipline of molecular medicine, because of its emphasis on function and its utilization of imaging agents that are specific for a particular disease process.

  • 2 Interventional nuclear medicine
  • 3 History
  • 4 Source of radionuclides, with notes on a few radiopharmaceuticals
  • 5 Radiation dose
  • 6 See also
  • 7 Notes
  • 8 Further reading
  • 9 External links

  • List of Radiopharmaceuticals

    Tabel Bermacam Radiofarmaka
    Radiopharmaceutical Kits
    Kit Radiofarmaka

    MIBI Kit
    Kit MIBI

    Myocardial perfusion diagnosis
    Diagnosis perfusi darah jantung

    MAG-3 Kit
    Kit MAG-3

    Kidney filtration diagnosis
    Diagnosis fungsi filtrasi ginjal

    HMPAO Kit
    Kit HMPAO

    Celebral blood flow diagnosis
    Diagnosis perfusi darah otak


    Cancer diagnosis
    Diagnosis kanker


    Infection diagnosis
    Diagnosis infeksi

    153Sm-EDTMP Solution
    Larutan 153SM-EDTMP

    Bone cancer palliative theraphy
    Terapi paliatif kanker tulang


    Theraphy for rheumatoid arthritis
    Terapi rheumatois arthritis


    Theraphy for neuroblastoma
    Terapi neuroblastoma


    Hepatoma therapy
    Terapi hepatoma

    Larutan 186Re-HEDP

    Bone cancer palliative therapy
    Terapi paliatif kanker tulang

    RIA Kit Hepatitis B
    Ki RIA Hepatiti B

    Hepatitis B, HbsAg and anti Hbs detection
    Deteksi Hepatitis B, HbsAG dan Anti HBS

    RIA Kit Hepatitis C
    Kit RIA Hepatitis C

    Hepatitis C detection
    Deteksi Hepatitis C

    RIA KitT3, T4, TSH
    Kit RIA T3, T4, TSH

    Thyroid function detection
    Deteksi fungsi tiroid

    RIA Kit Mikro albuminuria
    Kit RIA Mikro albuminuria

    Heart failure early detection
    Deteksi dini kegagalan hati

    RIA Kit Progesteron
    Kit RIA Progesteron

    cattle fertility detection
    Deteksi kesuburan

    IRMA Kit AFP & CEA
    Kit IRMA AFP & CEA

    Diagnosis for tumor of the breast and digestive tract
    Diagnosis tumor payudara dan saluran pencernaan

    Further reading

    • Mas JC: A Patient's Guide to Nuclear Medicine Procedures: English-Spanish. Society of Nuclear Medicine, 2008. ISBN 978-0972647892
    • Taylor A, Schuster DM, Naomi Alazraki N: A Clinicians' Guide to Nuclear Medicine, 2nd edition. Society of Nuclear Medicine, 2000. ISBN 978-0932004727
    • Mark J. Shumate MJ, Kooby DA, Alazraki NP: A Clinician's Guide to Nuclear Oncology: Practical Molecular Imaging and Radionuclide Therapies. Society of Nuclear Medicine, January 2007. ISBN 978-0972647885
    • Ell P, Gambhir S: Nuclear Medicine in Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment. Churchill Livingstone, 2004. (1950 pages) ISBN 978-0443073120

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