Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011
Sinergi Iptek-Pemda untuk Kemandirian Bangsa
Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011
Indonesian University of Sciences & Technology (Aerospace)
Aerospace engineering is the primary branch of engineering concerned with the design, construction and science of aircraft and spacecraft.[1] It is divided into two major and overlapping branches: aeronautical engineering and astronauticalengineering. The former deals with craft that stay within Earth's atmosphere, and the latter with craft that operate outside it.
Aerospace Engineering deals with the design, construction, and application of the science behind the forces and physical properties of aircraft, rockets, flying craft, and spacecraft. The field also covers their aerodynamic characteristics and behaviors, airfoil, control surfaces, lift, drag, and other properties. Aerospace engineering is not to be confused with the various other fields of engineering that go into designing these complex craft. For example, the design of aircraft avionics, while certainly part of the system as a whole, would rather be considered electrical engineering, or perhaps computer engineering. Thelanding gear system on an aircraft may fall into the field of mechanical engineering, and so forth. It is typically a large combination of many disciplines that makes up aeronautical engineering.
Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011
Himpunan Mahasiswa Nanoteknologi Indonesia
Menjadikan Mahasiswa Indonesia berkemampuan iptek yang berdaya saing secara global melalui jejaring nanoteknologi.
* Melakukan pelatihan, seminar, kerjasama di tingkat nasional maupun internasional, dan kegiatan lain yang mendukung pengembangan nanosains dan nanoteknologi di Indonesia.
* Mengoordinasi dan mengkomunikasi penelitian lintas institusi keilmuan dalam bidang nano sehingga terjadi sinergisitas untuk memajukan IPTEK yang berdaya saing melalui jejaring nano (Nano-Network).
* Melakukan studi roadmap untuk penguasaan dan implementasi nanosains dan nanoteknologi, juga untuk isu-isu strategis dalam nanosains dan nanoteknologi, dan memberi masukan/saran kepada pemegang kepentingan terkait (Nano-Strategy).
* Kajian trend penelitian nano di dunia untuk menjaga kesinambungan informasi dalam hal IPTEK nano (Nano-Trend).
* Meningkatkan sosialisasi dan membangun kesadaran akan pentingnya penguasaan nanosains dan nanoteknologi dalam skala yang lebih besar melalui diskusi dan kurikulum sekolah (Nano-Education).