Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

Indonesian National Laboratories and Technology Centers

Indonesian National

Laboratories and Technology Centers

A laboratory (pronounced /ləˈbɒrətəri, ˈlæbərətri/; informally, lab) is a facility that provides controlled conditions in which scientific research, experiments, and measurement may be performed. The title of laboratory is also used for certain other facilities where the processes or equipment used are similar to those in scientific laboratories. These notably include:

In recent years government and private centers for innovation in learning, leadership and organization have adopted "lab" in their name to emphasize the experimental and research-oriented nature of their work.

Scientific laboratories can be found in schools and universities, in industry, in government or military facilities, and even aboard ships and spacecraft. A new concept developed by a UK based lab is Lab Time Share which provides start up businesses with access to high quality laboratories and staff at a reduced cost[1] . A laboratory might offer work space for just one to more than thirty researchers depending on its size and purpose.

Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

Himpunan Mahasiswa Nanoteknologi Indonesia

Menumpas Penyakit dengan Nanoteknologi

“If I never try, I’ll never know.”

Jangan takut bila kita dihadapkan pada suatu kesempatan dan kita bingung untuk mencobanya atau tidak.
Walau pun hasil dari mencoba ternyata mengecewakan,, tak usah sedih. at least kita punya pengalaman baru dan pelajaran yang akan membuat kita lebih dewasa.

Himpunan Mahasiswa Nanoteknologi Indonesia


Menjadikan Mahasiswa Indonesia berkemampuan iptek yang berdaya saing secara global melalui jejaring nanoteknologi.


* Melakukan pelatihan, seminar, kerjasama di tingkat nasional maupun internasional, dan kegiatan lain yang mendukung pengembangan nanosains dan nanoteknologi di Indonesia.

* Mengoordinasi dan mengkomunikasi penelitian lintas institusi keilmuan dalam bidang nano sehingga terjadi sinergisitas untuk memajukan IPTEK yang berdaya saing melalui jejaring nano (Nano-Network).

* Melakukan studi roadmap untuk penguasaan dan implementasi nanosains dan nanoteknologi, juga untuk isu-isu strategis dalam nanosains dan nanoteknologi, dan memberi masukan/saran kepada pemegang kepentingan terkait (Nano-Strategy).
* Kajian trend penelitian nano di dunia untuk menjaga kesinambungan informasi dalam hal IPTEK nano (Nano-Trend).

* Meningkatkan sosialisasi dan membangun kesadaran akan pentingnya penguasaan nanosains dan nanoteknologi dalam skala yang lebih besar melalui diskusi dan kurikulum sekolah (Nano-Education).


1. Membangun jaringan penelitian nano teknologi di indonesia

2. Membangun Pusat Pendidikan Nanoteknologi Indonesia

3. 10 Tahun Kedepan tiap Provinsi mempunyai SMK Nano Teknologi Indonesia

4. 18 Tahun Mendatang Indonesia Mempunyai 800 Orang Peneliti Profesional Bidang Nano Teknologi

5. Memasyarakatkan Teknologi Nano

University researchers have built nanoparticles designed to cling to artery walls and slowly release medicine - a breakthrough that could help fight heart disease.

Scientists at MIT and Harvard Medical School yesterday announced that they teamed up to create what they're calling "nanoburrs," nanotechology that sticks to arteries the way that pesky burrs in the woods stick to your clothes. Researchers are hoping the nanoburrs can offer an alternative to surgically implanting arterial stents that, over time, release drugs to treat or prevent plaque build up on artery walls.

Plaque build-up, also known as atherosclerosis, is the leading cause of heart attacks and stroke. According to the American Heart Association, 831,272 people died in the United States in 2006 because of heart disease. That adds up to about one in three deaths.

"This is a very exciting example of nanotechnology and cell targeting in action that I hope will have broad ramifications," said MIT Institute Professor Robert Langer who is working on the project.

The nanoburrs, according to MIT, are designed to target a specific part of the artery, known as the basement membrane. The membrane lines the arterial wall but is only exposed when the artery is damaged. With the nanoburrs honing in on the membrane, they will only go after the damaged parts of the arteries.

Nanotechnology has been a key part of a lot of medical research in the past few years.

A team of British researchers announced earlier this month that they are set to begin a trial program by planting nanotechnology-based artificial arteries into humans. The artificial arteries are made of a polymer material that's combined with nanomaterials. Together, the materials can closely mimic natural vessels by pulsing along with the beating of the patient's heart.

Last October, Stanford University researchers reported that they had used nanotechnology and magnetics to create a biosensor designed to detect cancer in its early stages, making a cure more likely.

A month earlier, researchers at the University of Toronto announced that they had used nanomaterials to develop a microchip they say is also sensitive enough to detect early stage cancer. The chip is designed to detect the type of cancer and its severity.

In this latest research, the nanoburrs, which have been tested on rats so far, are injected intravenously.

"This technology could have broad applications across other important diseases, including cancer and inflammatory diseases where vascular permeability or vascular damage is commonly observed," said Omid Farokhzad, associate professor at Harvard Medical School and a researcher on the project.



Kamis, 16 Juni 2011


  1. To Guide the development of science and technology that rooted in Indonesia to be contributive for human welfare in general and Indonesian people in particular.
  2. To Find out the scientific truth, in which scientific freedom is recognized and guaranteed, as long as not in contrary to Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
  3. To prepare the establishment of Indonesian Academy of Sciences (Academy of Science)

To define the vision, the Deputy for Life Sciences then set the mission as follows:
  1. Providing scientific basis for policy making to keep composed and upheld the law supremacy related to the management of natural resources and environment while paying respect to the local and indigenous wisdom to strengthen the national unity as well as the competitiveness;
  2. Mastering science and technology in connection to the management of natural resources in order to conserve and empower Indonesia’s biodiversity assets as the driver for a fair sustainable development;
  3. Participating in the national intellectual life through the availability of a trusted institution, professional researchers, capable and reliable analysts and other technicians and supporting staff, the accredited research infrastructures, and being a center of excellence in the field of conservation and potential disclosure as well as the improvement of value-added natural resources;
  4. Strengthening cooperation and establishing networking among stakeholders both nationally and internationally in research, conservation, and biodiversity use from the level of ecosystems, populations, species and genes for the prosperity of the people of Indonesia and for the benefit of humanity;
  5. Building a strategic partnership by increasing the community and private sector participation and encouraging local government's role in conservation efforts, potential exploration, increasing the added value, and harnessing the potential of natural resources optimally, fairly, competitively and sustainably through a responsible management to improve the community welfare.